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Amoryn 60 Capsules
Amoryn 60 Capsules, Directions
Amoryn 60 Capsules, Ingredients
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BioNeurix Corp Amoryn 60 Capsules

Amoryn may work by increasing the levels of all three of the brain's feel good neurotransmitters. By providing an all-natural boost to serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, the ingredients in AMORYN can help you feel happy, calm, and confident.

 The brain produces natural chemical messengers - called neurotransmitters - that send messages from one nerve cell to another. Serotonin is known as the feel good neurotransmitter because it plays an important role in the regulation of mood. Low levels of serotonin may contribute to feelings of sadness and anxiety.

 Two other important neurotransmitters - dopamine and norepinephrine - also affect mood. When the brain doesn't produce enough dopamine or norepinephrine, you may feel tired, unmotivated and foggy-headed.

 By working together to boost the activity of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, AMORYN'S natural ingredients can help improve mood and restore emotional balance.

Return Policy

Return Policy Unopened bottles may be returned within 60 days of shipment. No returns or refunds for opened or used bottles. Opened bottles will be discarded if returned. We do not pay for the Shipping on return products.

Recommended Daily Dose

The daily dose of AMORYN is 1-4 capsules.

  1. The recommended starting dose is two capsules, which can be increased to three or four capsules after four weeks.
  2. The majority of AMORYN users report that two (2) capsules per day work effectively without any side effects.
  3. Take the first capsule in the morning and the second capsule in the afternoon.

The standard dose of two (2) capsules daily works well in most cases, but some people require a higher dose. If you do not respond (or respond only partially) to two (2) capsules, we recommend increasing your daily dose to three (3) or four (4) capsules.

For a detailed discussion about whether and when to raise your daily dose, refer to the section on making adjustments. Certain individuals may benefit from starting with a half-dose of one (1) capsule per day. During the first week, we recommend taking this reduced dose if you: weigh less than 120 pounds are particularly sensitive to supplements and drugs often experience side effects when taking new supplements or drugs have moderate-to-severe anxiety-related symptoms or often have difficulty sleeping Unless you experience side effects, increase to the standard dose of two (2) capsules daily after one week.

Children ages 12-18 should start with one (1) capsule daily, or half the adult dose, and should not take AMORYN without the supervision of a parent or guardian and the approval of a physician. The dose can be increased to two (2) capsules per day after two weeks, but should not exceed two (2) capsules unless directed by a physician. Children under 12 should not take AMORYN, or any other supplement, unless a pediatrician approves, supervises, and determines the appropriate daily dose.  

Recommended Daily Serving

In most cases, the recommended starting quantity for adults is two (2) capsules daily. Take the first capsule in the morning and the second capsule in the afternoon.

If you do not respond to two (2) capsules, you may increase your daily serving to three (3) or four (4) capsules. For a detailed discussion about whether and when to raise your daily dose, refer to the section on making adjustments.

Certain individuals may benefit from starting with a half-serving of one (1) capsule per day. During the first week, we recommend taking this reduced dose if you:
weigh less than 120 pounds are particularly sensitive to supplements and drugs often experience side effects when taking new supplements or drugs
have "racing thoughts" or often have difficulty sleeping Unless you experience side effects, increase to the standard amount of two (2) capsules daily after one week.

Children ages 12-18 can start with one (1) capsule daily, or half the adult serving, and should not take AMORYN without the supervision of a parent or guardian and the approval of a physician. This amount can be increased to two (2) capsules per day after two weeks, but should not exceed two (2) capsules unless directed by a physician. Children under 12 should not take AMORYN, or any other supplement, unless a pediatrician approves, supervises, and determines the appropriate daily serving.


One (1) capsule daily Mild Initial serving for individual who are small, sensitive, particularly anxious, or under 18-years-old.
Two (2) capsules daily Moderate

(Standard) Recommended adult serving. Contains amount of main ingredient (hyperforin) frequently used in clinical studies.
Three (3) capsules daily Strong For individuals who do not respond to lower amounts.
Four (4) capsules daily Maximum For individuals who do not respond to lower amounts. Do not exceed four (4) capsules daily unless your doctor instructs you to do so.

BioNeurix Corp Primary Active Ingredients Hyperforin Hyperforin from Hypericum perforatum St. John's wort extract aerial portion 600 mg standardized to 3 % hyperforin; standardized to .3 % hypericin 18 mg Hyperforin, the active ingredient in St. John's wort, acts as a reuptake inhibitor of the brain's natural feel good chemical messengers: serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine & GABA. Amoryn contains the same hyperforin rich St. John's wort extract prescribed in Europe for depression and anxiety.

5 HTP 5 hydroxytryptophan from Griffonia simplicifolia extract 25 mg 5 HTP is used by the brain to make serotonin, the brain's natural feel good neurotransmitter. By increasing serotonin levels, 5 HTP promotes a positive outlook.

Rhodiola Rosea Rhodiola Rosea extract root standardized to 4% rosavins and 1% salidrosides 90 mg Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that can increase serotonin activity by up to 30%. Rhodiola also increases the activity of two other mood related neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine. Within a few days, Rhodiola produces increased energy and motivation, reduced anxiety, and elevated feelings of confidence and optimism.

Supporting Nutrients B Vitamins B6 20 mg B12 30 mcg Folate 300mcg B vitamins provide nutritional support for mood related pathways. B6, B12 and Folic Acid allow your brain to produce extra SAM e, a proven natural antidepressant used in Europe for over 20 years. SAM e is crucial to maintaining proper levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Buying SAM e is expensive over $100 month but Amoryn allows your brain to produce it naturally by providing extra B6, B12 and Folic Acid. Learn more.

Selenium Selenium 70mcg Clinical research shows that a diet low in selenium may contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety and fatigue. Unfortunately, many adults do not receive the optimal amount of this vital nutrient.

Vitamin D3 Cholecalciferol 400 IU Vitamin D deficiency, common during the winter months, can contribute to a negative emotional outlook. Likewise, increased vitamin D consumption has been shown to elevate mood, and may be particularly effective at relieving seasonal depression.

Vitamin D appears to increase the activity of serotonin, the brain's natural feel good neurotransmitter, and may also reduce the risk of cancer. AMORYN contains vitamin D3, the most effective form of vitamin D. Zinc 15 mg Studies show that certain depressed or anxious individuals may be deficient in this important mineral, and zinc supplementation can help improve mood in these cases.

Vitamin C 10 mg Vitamin C is an antioxidant used throughout the body to protect cells, including nerve cells in the brain. Vitamin C is also involved in many mood critical metabolic processes. INACTIVE INGREDIENTS: GELATIN, RICE POWDER, MAGNESIUM STEARATE. 

Storage and Handling

Keep AMORYN in a cool, dark place. In most cases, the freezer is the ideal place to store unopened bottles. To prevent moisture from condensing within the bottle, remove it from the freezer a few hours before opening for the first time (so that it's at room temperature when opened). Once opened, bottles should be kept with the cap closed (except when removing capsules) and stored in a dark place (such as a cabinet or drawer). Avoid extended storage in places with excessive heat (e.g. in a car during summer) or light (e.g. on a desk).


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

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