BioNeurix Corp Amoryn 60 Capsules
Amoryn may work by increasing the levels of all three of the brain's feel good neurotransmitters. By providing an all-natural boost to serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, the ingredients in AMORYN can help you feel happy, calm, and confident. .
Recommended Daily Dose
The daily dose of AMORYN is 1-4 capsules.
- The recommended starting dose is two capsules, which can be increased to three or four capsules after four weeks.
- The majority of AMORYN users report that two (2) capsules per day work effectively without any side effects.
- Take the first capsule in the morning and the second capsule in the afternoon.
Recommended Daily Serving
In most cases, the recommended starting quantity for adults is two (2) capsules daily. Take the first capsule in the morning and the second capsule in the afternoon.
If you do not respond to two (2) capsules, you may increase your daily serving to three (3) or four (4) capsules. For a detailed discussion about whether and when to raise your daily dose, refer to the section on making adjustments.
Certain individuals may benefit from starting with a half-serving of one (1) capsule per day. During the first week, we recommend taking this reduced dose if you:
weigh less than 120 pounds are particularly sensitive to supplements and drugs often experience side effects when taking new supplements or drugs
have "racing thoughts" or often have difficulty sleeping Unless you experience side effects, increase to the standard amount of two (2) capsules daily after one week.
Children ages 12-18 can start with one (1) capsule daily, or half the adult serving, and should not take AMORYN without the supervision of a parent or guardian and the approval of a physician. This amount can be increased to two (2) capsules per day after two weeks, but should not exceed two (2) capsules unless directed by a physician. Children under 12 should not take AMORYN, or any other supplement, unless a pediatrician approves, supervises, and determines the appropriate daily serving.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.