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Newton Labs Bug Bites 1oz Liquid or with Dropper

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Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites 1 Oz  Liquid
Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites 1 Oz Liquid W Glass Dropper
Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites
Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites Liquid Complex
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Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites is a 1 oz liquid formulation designed to provide relief from the discomfort associated with insect bites. This homeopathic remedy utilizes natural ingredients to soothe itching, reduce swelling, and promote healing, making it an essential addition to your first aid kit. Its easy-to-use liquid form allows for quick application, ensuring effective relief for both adults and children.


 Newton Labs Homeopathics Bug Bites 1 Oz  Liquid

Formulated for symptoms associated with bites and stings such as pain, burning, itching and swelling.


 Ages 12 and up, take 6 drops or pellets by mouth (ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or pellets) as needed or as directed by a health professional. Under age 2, crush or dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop and gradually increase to full dose.

Insect bites itch intensely; Mosquito bites; Itching.

Swellings after bites and stings; Stinging pain

Active Ingredients:

 Equal parts of Echinacea 6x, Hamamelis virginiana 6x, Solidago virgaurea 6x, Apis mellifica 15x, Aranea diadema 15x, Arnica montana 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Azadirachta indica 15x, Bryonia 15x, Caladium seguinum 15x, Calendula officinalis 15x, Formica rufa 15x, Grindelia 15x, Hypericum perforatum 15x, Lachesis mutus 15x, Latrodectus mactans 15x, Ledum palustre 15x, Mezereum 15x, Nux vomica 15x, Pulex irritans 15x, Rhus toxicodendron 15x, Tarentula cubensis 15x, Tarentula hispana 15x, Theridion 15x, Thuja occidentalis 15x, Vespa crabro 15x, Pyrogenium 30x. 

Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane alcohol 20%. 
Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic beet-derived sucrose (lactose free) pellets.  


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  

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